Thursday, December 27, 2012

Philippine ASEAN Commemorative Bank Note

I was browsing through my downloaded videos of the happenings of the U.S. ASEAN Young Leaders Summit this morning due to a rare hangover of the moments. My mom suddenly handed me a Fifty Peso bill (a Philippine currency bill) and asked what the symbol imprinted on the money means. From afar, I could tell that it is a commemorative bill from our Central Bank since rare finds like this are usually printed intentionally. As the ASEAN logo appears on a video I was watching, it was the exact snap of time I had looked into the peso bill and with amazement -- the same logo appears on the money. 

I was like "WOW! Really? Thanks Mom! If you only know what this means to me."

The Philippine Fifty Peso ASEAN commemorative bill.

My mom stood in front of me waiting for an explanation behind my amazement and exaggerated reaction. Hahaha. I told her that it was an ASEAN commemorative bill which can't just be found normally on daily circulation. You're lucky enough if you can find one. Well, this can be a great present for the holiday. A souvenir and a remembrance for the recently concluded program I will miss and treasure forever. Thanks for the TRULY ASEAN memories. :))

"One vision. One identity. One community."

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